Saturday, June 2, 2012


I'm a lot more excited/looking forward to my trip. First, because I've lost the fear of bad things happening to me. I'm sure something is bound to go wrong on my trip, but now I'm not afraid of something going wrong. Mistakes lead to greatest discoveries in the world, so I have no reason to be afraid of them. Saying that I'm also going to have my gaurd up at all times and will not be afraid to kick/punch people. Gotta put the tae kwon do skills to use at some point right? I'm going back to my old instructor and learning some self defense stuff for 2 hrs next week. I need to call him! With all that said, I've found some accommodation in Delhi and in Dharmshala. One of my dad's friends from college lives in Delhi and he's agreed to take care of me for 2 days including everything! I feel like the art of hosting is being lost in the world. People aren't kind to people anymore, and moreover people aren't kind to visitors. I was talking to my dad the other day about simple courtesies and how they are being lost with our generation. We don't place much importance in them because we think it's simple. And it's true! IT IS SIMPLE! JUST DO IT! It's something that doesn't require much effort on our part, but means so much to those we are hosting. I remember when I was in Miami with one of my best friends she was the BEST host ever and makes me not mind spending all the money on a plane ticket and there to visit her. She took care of everything from the time I landed in the airport. It was really sweet and lots of fun. All I'm trying to say is that people need to be kind to one another. I've also had bad experiences with hosts and it made me never want to see their face again. I'm going to work on it consciously when I have guests over, and try to make the stay awesome. Still have things to figure out about manali-shimla-dehradun-rishikesh.

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