Friday, June 29, 2012

For those actually reading my blog...I am sorry. Travelling in India has been a TRIPPPPP.....and a great one. I've learned much, seen more, so I can't wait to have coffee with you and talk about it when I get back. I have decided not to write about my travels because words do no justice to it. I will write more tidbits when I'm in hyderabad, but the past 10 days have been some of the best of my life, and you won't know why until you buy me some starbucks :D.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Day 1 Part 2

The second part of my day involved a lot of walking, fun times in the infamous Delhi Metro, and some delicious coffee day coffee. It also involved someone trying to sell me fake Ray Ban glasses, being loved by fishes in the lake in a gurudwar, and being late to see akshardam temple. So…let me start at the beginning. As I was afraid of going out of the hotel room and its comforts, I realized that my phone was dying. Necessity makes man (woman) face challenges. I was now ready for Delhi. I took a deep breath before I walked out, but was stopped by the hotel reception. “Madam, aap ke saath chalu (Should I go with you?). I could not deny the help that I was getting. So I said..yes. He walked me to the store, and he asked me if he could leave me alone? In my head I was thinking this is a great opportunity. I should be able to find the place back on my own…so I told him to leave. This is where my adventure began. I walked around the entire CP (yes that’s what the locals call cannought place). I’ve been a keen observer of people’s language and habits here. When I got to the gurudwar I followed and I learned how the prayer is offered. I tried my best not to look like a lost tourist. The only thing that kept me going was that I had a backup. I could call the hotel any time and they would come pick me up from anywhere. I bought some things, ate some cold things, drank some coconut water, and even had some butter scoth icecream. Currently I’m at my dad’s friend (also named Venkat) apartment in Gurgoun. He seems to be a big shot around here and has offered me his house and also my own bodyguard in Delhi +everywhere else I go? I don’t know if I should accept, but I have some time to think. It’s been tons of fun in uncle’s house. He has a roommate who is also another big shot. We all had dinner and great laughs. They have a cook who is amazing. Oh wait…let me not forget to tell you about Saavan. He’s also like me but for the other guy who’s staying here. He’s his friend’s son. We’ve gotten together really well. He reminds me of my brother and he calls me didi(sister) which I think is so adorable. We are gonna go around delhi together tomorrow along with our body guard!! Super excited to see the Akshardam temple, and we’ve all decided to go bowling in the evening! I’m kind of sad I’m going to be leaving delhi the day after. We’ve had such great conversation/laughter tonight. I’ll miss it.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Day 1: Part 1 As I avoided getting out of my comfortable bed this morning, I got a phone call from my uncle (which reminds me that I need to call him back). I've made some phone calls to people and trying to get in touch with them (Hotels and such). I've finally figured out how the phone works...type 0 before the number, and you don't need the 91. I still have trouble changing the SIM card, but the bell boy here has been kind enough to do it for me 3 times since I've been here. I wonder if he thinks I work for some spy agency? That would be cool (but I guess he'd figure i'd know how to do that then). Even while I avoided getting up, I got another call in my room from the reception reminding me that free breakfast ends at 10:30. I told them I wasn't hungry. They seemed surprised. But, 10 minutes later I walked myself down to check out the lavish breakfast that would be set up (sarcasm). Breakfast was quite delicious to my surprise. The waiters were really sweet. I kept asking for 'pani (water)' and they'd bring me random things like pineapple juice. "No no no ... paniiii ... like water" and then the light went off in his head. "Ohhh....just pani?"...yes...just pani. The coffee was a little strange, but not bad. I realized my pani was the only thing that costed me (Rs 81). A little ridiculous for water. I could have probably gone out of the hotel and got it for Rs20 or so, but I didn't mind paying that for a delicious omlette. So far, the hotel people are kind and the room is clean (except the mess i've created). I think I'll hang out in my room for some more time because the Indian Sun is not a kind one. I was only out for maybe 45 seconds or so as I went to get breakfast and I could feel it. It's not horrible, but definitely noticeable. I'll lay in the comforts of my room for now.


As the plane got closer to Delhi...I still have a hard time believing what is actually happening. I kept telling myself after each arrival and departure "you get a point". I think i'm going to keep giving myself points for everything that goes well. It was strange to land in Delhi. The airport is big and pretty, some cool art and architecture. I should have taken a picture, but I wasn't exactly concerned with taking out my camera and looking like a tourist there. The immigration took not more than a minute and then I was out on my own. I called Mr. Jaggi (My dad's friend's bodyguard) who is supposed to be picking me up from the airport. I had a little trouble finding him, but before panic came over, I decided to collect my baggage. I should have listened to my mom and gotten the other more stable bag...this one is kind of a stress. I'm glad it arrived not torn up though :D. After I finally found Mr. Jaggi, I had a variety of drinks waiting for me. I had some coconut water and that felt amazing! Delhi is a pretty city at least at 1:00AM. As I was saying before, after landing in the airport I felt like a foreigner. The people at the airport were helpful and once I checked into the hotel, the people here are also quite helpful. They may get a great review from me on tripadvisor. I'm going to try to feel less like a foreigner and embrace the culture. I shall try. My plan is to sleep for a couple of hours and then see what tomorrow has to bring (free breakfast for sure).

June 17th/18th??

Cheking into JAX airport was a piece of cake, and I had a whole hour to spare which I used very wisely. I was sad that I had to part with my mace bottle, but I hope to be rejoined with it when I get to delhi. I met the girl sitting next to me on the plane from JAX to EWK. She was ironically training to be a drug rep. We had a great conversation and she had some interesting things to say. She told me about how doctors will lie to them and say that they are prescribing their drugs, but they get the data from a 3rd party company that tells them if docs are actually prescribing their drugs. Anyways…she was studying for hypertension so we had a good convo about it. Drug reps aren’t as stupid as I thought they were. From there nothing of significance occurred. My plane to Zurich was delayed by an hour, but I still made it in time for my next flight to delhi. I was a little nervous at first, but I think it’ll all be good. My days have been confused and I'm now in the future. Zurich airport has no water fountains, and I bought a bottle of mineral water for five dollars and it tastes like soda. Sucking it up! My gate has yet to be determined and the flight is in 2 hours, so a little worried, but 2 hours is a long time. Zurich looked beautiful from the plane, pleasant and happy. I met a music teacher who was sitting next to me, and he seemed wise and Jewish. He even knew some medical terms, but i guess when you get to be old enough, you learn some things. He explained to me what kosher meant and other such jewish things. He was entertaining, but having a bad week. I felt kind of bad for him. It wasn't bad like dangerous, but bad like nothing was working in his favor. He stayed calm and polite throughout the whole ordeal. Hopefully he has a nice vacation in zurich. Zurich airport is get nothing for free here. I've so far spent 20 dollar (water, meal, internet) here, and I'm not giving the swiss any more of my money. Finally found out what gate i'm leaving from. I see a lot of Indians around me, but I don't now if I want to talk to any of them. I guess that's it for now. I'll write more once I get to my hotel in delhi.

Saturday, June 2, 2012


I'm a lot more excited/looking forward to my trip. First, because I've lost the fear of bad things happening to me. I'm sure something is bound to go wrong on my trip, but now I'm not afraid of something going wrong. Mistakes lead to greatest discoveries in the world, so I have no reason to be afraid of them. Saying that I'm also going to have my gaurd up at all times and will not be afraid to kick/punch people. Gotta put the tae kwon do skills to use at some point right? I'm going back to my old instructor and learning some self defense stuff for 2 hrs next week. I need to call him! With all that said, I've found some accommodation in Delhi and in Dharmshala. One of my dad's friends from college lives in Delhi and he's agreed to take care of me for 2 days including everything! I feel like the art of hosting is being lost in the world. People aren't kind to people anymore, and moreover people aren't kind to visitors. I was talking to my dad the other day about simple courtesies and how they are being lost with our generation. We don't place much importance in them because we think it's simple. And it's true! IT IS SIMPLE! JUST DO IT! It's something that doesn't require much effort on our part, but means so much to those we are hosting. I remember when I was in Miami with one of my best friends she was the BEST host ever and makes me not mind spending all the money on a plane ticket and there to visit her. She took care of everything from the time I landed in the airport. It was really sweet and lots of fun. All I'm trying to say is that people need to be kind to one another. I've also had bad experiences with hosts and it made me never want to see their face again. I'm going to work on it consciously when I have guests over, and try to make the stay awesome. Still have things to figure out about manali-shimla-dehradun-rishikesh.